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  • Amanda Pine

Legislative Collaborative Table: Uniting Hampton Roads Community in Advocacy Efforts

The Legislative Collaborative Table of Hampton Roads is the Advocacy arm of our Interfaith Alliance at the Beach leadership team that steps into both direct service and systemic change gaps. This group finds ways to launch and sustain interfaith efforts like Open Table [link to Open Table] that build on the assets of the folks we serve and through relationships establish natural supports for these families, and finally strategic partnerships that enhance the city and community programs in our region. IAB serves as the vehicle for making sure that the mandate to “love our neighbor” is fully and tangibly realized.

On June 11, an energized gathering of over forty representatives from community groups around Hampton Roads came together to discuss what issues should be at the forefront for Social Justice University and subsequent advocacy efforts.

2023-24 Issues:

Criminal Justice Reform & Public Safety: Keep children safe with secure gun storage, an end to the school-to-prison pipeline, and oversight of the Dept. of Corrections.

Poverty & Economic Justice: Create affordable housing & rents

Health Inequities: Fund mental health staffing, crisis centers and mobile teams

Democracy & Voting Access: Reform campaign finance - limits, disclosures, oversight

Environmental Justice: Keep Virginia in the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI).

Civil Rights: Prevent discrimination against people who are transgender

Other issues raised: Medicaid coverage for undocumented children, public school funding, ranked choice voting, environmental justice permitting process, the war on wokeness, child care subsidies, paid sick days, women’s rights, a millionaire tax, cash bail reform, tree canopy protection, ban asking salary history, fair labor laws, food deserts, transportation funding, unconscious bias in health care, paid family & medical leave, workplace harassment.

Please mark your calendars for the Social Justice University Gathering on Sunday, October 1 from 3pm-5pm, again at Coastal Virginia Unitarian Universalist. Issue experts will brief us on the priority issues and we’ll sign up to be notified of visits to our local legislators, scheduled before the Virginia General Assembly session begins in January. Thank you again for your collective commitment to creating a more just Virginia.


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